
November 23-29

Malibu Beach RV Park

What can I say about Malibu, other than it’s so beautiful. The view from the RV park is stunning. The sun rises and sets in a way that doesn’t seem possible. We were able to spend more time with good friends. We spent Thanksgiving here, our great friend Rudj and his mother came over for Thanksgiving dinner. I ordered it from Whole Foods, all of it, pre-cooked and it just needed heating. It was really very good. Not as good as home-made but it was great for our needs.

While we were there, we also went to The Getty Museum. The museum was beautiful. The buildings and the gardens are spectacular. We weren’t all that impressed with the art. One Picasso and a hand full of Monet’s are beautiful, but seeing more is what we’re used to.   Let’s face it, NYC will spoil you for most other museums. I think the kids favorite part was riding the tram up to the Museum.

One day we were able to go to The Santa Monica Pier. We didn’t spend a lot of time at the pier. There was a lot of skateboarding. Ken was loving it, the boys were giving it their all, I was a little more hesitant.

Also, It’s the start of the Christmas season!