October 27- November 4

Dockweiler State Beach

The beach! That’s all I can say; the boys were in awe with their first views of the beach. We stayed at an RV park that is as close to the beach as you can get in LA. It’s basically a parking lot, I’m not complaining, it’s close to everything and we can see the ocean!

The first thing we did was to visit friends and their new baby. Love these people so much! We had a great dinner, and the kids played all night. We had school and work for the rest of the week, so we were limited on time, there was no time for much else. We did get to spend time with friends pretty much every day. We carved pumpkins, had a fire on the beach, Kenny got his birthday present (an awesome longboard), our friend gave skateboards to Quinn and me, had a sleepover in the camper with our friend Nona, went trick-or-treating, had brunch at our friends house, met more friends for dinner and had some other friends visit the day we left. We had a great time reconnecting with people and just hanging out. We’re coming back to L.A. to see the sights in about a month.