November 8-16
San Benito RV & Campground Resort

We have been looking forward to this since we were in Colorado, this part of CA is so beautiful. We are staying kind of far from Monterey, but it’s free, so we do this at times to save money. The weather was a bit cold and rainy, we also had school and work so we stayed put at the campground until Ken’s birthday.

November 11
On Ken’s birthday, we went whale watching in Monterey Bay off Moss Landing. It was a magical day. We saw sea lions, seals, sea otters, about 100 dolphins and 10 humpback whales. The sun was at the perfect angle; the whale spouts looked like rainbows! It was such an amazing experience.

After whale watching we went to Monterey to have lunch, we ended up at Fish Hopper. We had to wait for a table, but we got the best table in the house, it was worth the wait. It was a delicious meal; we had a feathered friend watching us the whole time. While we were eating, we noticed a guy swimming in the bay, and not very well at that. It turned out he was running from the cops! Free entertainment by people who make bad decisions, ha!

We decided to go down to the beach to look in the tide pools. We found lots of sea anemone, little fish and hermit crabs. There was a piece of whale baleen that washed up on shore, it was really interesting to see it up close.

The next few days were work/school days.

November 14
We went to Carmel with no real plan; we ended up at the beach. We brought our dog Uma, she got to see an ocean beach for the first time, she loved it. It was a perfect day. It was just warm enough to have a picnic on the beach and relax for a little while. Sometimes the best times are spent doing nothing, in particular, in a beautiful place. That’s how it felt on this day. We also drove down through Big Sur. Pictures don’t do this place justice, it’s so beautiful!

November 15
Monterey Bay Aquarium
This is the best aquarium I have ever seen. They are all about education and rehabilitation. There are no animal shows, there are only sea creatures that are fine living in tanks or can’t go back to the wild. The giant tank windows are mind-blowing. We learned a lot and saw some wonderful and crazy things.